So Fresh + So Clean: Lucy Louise Derickson for EM Students
In the 36th episode of Perceived Value, host Sarah Rachel Brown has traveled to Richmond, VA to connect with a group of artists with strong ties to Ethical Metalsmiths, a community of caring buyers, jewelers, designers, and suppliers committed to responsible, environmentally-sound practices for all facets of the Jewelry Industry.
Sarah has been asked to be this year’s guest juror for the EM Students annual exhibition, So Fresh + So Clean and so she sat down with the advisor of EM Students, Lucy Louise Derickson, to discuss what Ethical Metalsmiths and EM Students are, her connection to these communities, and why students should get involved.
Thank you to Susie, Kathleen, Lucy, Taylor, and Andy for giving me this opportunity to work with EM Students and for your hospitality during my trip to Richmond, VA.
Lucy Louise Derickson is a metalsmith and educator currently residing in Washington DC. She received her BFA in Jewelry/Metalsmithing and Teaching Certification from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. After spending 2 years teaching k-12 Art Education, and receiving Teacher of the Year from the Greenfield Chamber of Commerce, she moved to Richmond to earn her MFA in Craft and Material Studies from Virginia Commonwealth University.
Lucy is currently Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the Jewelry/Metalsmithing and Crafts Area at Montgomery College, Maryland. Lucy is a board member of the non-profit organization Ethical Metalsmiths, where she works as facilitator to EM Students.
IG: @Lucyderickson
Upcoming Workshop at Baltimore Jewelry Center: Pewter? I hardly know her,
Call For Entry Mission
A Letter from 2019 EM Student Jury:
We would like So Fresh + So Clean 2019 applicants to deeply consider how their work & studio practice builds on EM Student's dedication to innovative thinking in their approach to the field of jewelry and metalsmithing. It is our hope to foster a generous, honest and investigative conversation around the many ways we evolve our studio and work in an ever shifting world. In this spirit of re-imagining what a practice can look like from an ethical perspective, EM Student’s is also interested in how this outlook affects your creative output. How does an ethical practice inform your work and push you to discovery, transformation and innovation? Where does your work fit in today’s contemporary practice in fresh and exciting new ways?
-Taylor Zarkades King and Andy Lowrie
EM Students: VCU Chapter
Find all information regarding the call for entry here.
Instagram: @emstudents